Big Fat Manifesto

Jamie Carcaterra is a fat girl.

Fat.  Girl.  Okay, get it?

She’s heard all the jokes.  She knows all the prejudices.

She has a Fat Boy boyfriend and a Big Fat Attitude.  And she’s happy.  And she’s willing to spread that in her controversial newspaper column.

She’s pretty happy stirring up some Big Fat Trouble, particularly in a hilarious scene when she and her (normal-ish) friend Freddie and (super-ultra-vegan) friend NoNo go into a meant-for-0-sized-girls store called Hotchix.

But then some Big Fat Problems arise– her Fat Boy boyfriend, Burke, suddenly decides that he’s going to get bariatric surgery.  What’s bariatric surgery? you may ask.  Oh, nothing but having your STOMACH stapled to your INTESTINES.  Naturally, Jamie is distraught.  And what girl wouldn’t be?  He’s saying he’s too fat, imagine the consequences on a poor overworked confused Fat Girl.  AKA, Jamie.

And when things go horribly wrong both with Burke and some, shall we say, out of context media reporting, Jamie is left drowning in a mix of pain for Burke, work for the school musical, and… new feelings for her editor, Heath.

Big Fat Manifesto was hilarious!  There were so many great lines in Jamie’s articles that had me cracking up and snorting soda out my nose (not really).  Lines like “Tell me, what in the name of all that’s creamy and chocolate do skinny guys know about being a fat girl?” were just so… accurate.

Any girl, and I mean any girl, who has ever felt bad about her looks will relish in knowing that Jamie is just like them.  Just a size 4x shirt is all that differentiates her from every other teen girl struggling to find her place.

5/5 stars.

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